On Starting Your Own Small Press

Print-on-demand (or POD) publishing has made it far easier for authors to publish their own work. As I wrote about last Sunday in The Downsides Of Print On Demand Publishing, however, there are some drawbacks.

Also, some authors plan to publish not only multiple titles of their own, but to collaborate with others. That can make it more worthwhile to take a different approach to publishing.

For any of these reasons, or simply for the sake of comparison, you may want to learn more about adapting the methods of traditional print publishing for yourself. A great place to start is the following post from Joanna Penn:

From Indie Author To Small Press. Print Books, ISBNs, Branding And More

Have a great weekend.

Until Sunday–

L.M. Lilly

P.S. For more on print-on-demand publishing, check out my post Using KDP To Self Publish A Paperback.

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