How To Overcome Writer’s Block So You Can Write Your Novel
Eager to write a novel but find yourself staring at a blank screen?
Spending too much time rewriting early chapters without moving on?
Reached the middle of your novel only to freeze or slow down?
Unlike most books on writer’s block, Write On not only helps get the words flowing but targets issues specific to novelists. And because there are many different reasons writers get stuck, this book avoids one-size-fits-all-advice.
Instead, it offers insights, exercises, and questions aimed at sorting out what might be standing in your way so you can write more freely and easily. Among other things, you’ll learn to:
- Come up with ideas for your novel (and choose the best one)
- Understand your writing process, overcome doubts, and get your first draft onto the page
- Stay excited and motivated as you near the middle of your novel where many writers falter
- Deal with fears and life challenges that may slow you down
Ready to start – and finish – your novel?
Get Write On: How To Overcome Writer’s Block So You Can Write Your Novel today.
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Write On Author Biography
An author, attorney, and adjunct professor of law, L. M. Lilly founded Writing As A Second Career to share information with people juggling writing novels with working at other jobs or careers.
Her books on writing include: The One-Year Novelist: A Week-By-Week Guide To Writing Your Novel In One Year; Creating Compelling Characters From The Inside Out; and Super Simple Story Structure: A Quick Guide To Plotting & Writing Your Novel.
Writing as Lisa M. Lilly, she is the author of the Q.C. Davis mysteries and the bestselling four-book Awakening supernatural thriller series. She also hosts the podcast Buffy and the Art of Story.